The National Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy to 2040 and the National Strategic Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation (PENCYT as in Spanish) 2015- 2019, were approved by the Cabinet Council on March 17, 2015, after they were forwarded with recommendation for approval by the Interministerial Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (CICYT as in Spanish) on February 25, 2015.
The Plan proposes to address the country’s three major challenges: sustainable development, social inclusion and sustainable competitiveness. This is the first time that Panama has a 25-year policy, which was implicit in previous PENCYTs (as in Spanish), seeking continuity over time in national public policy.
- Program “Science, Research, Technological Development and Innovation for Development for Sustainable Development”
- Program “Science, Research, Technological Development and Innovation for Development for Social Inclusion”
- Program “Science, Research, Technological Development and Innovation for Competitiveness and Dynamic Entrepreneurship”
- Program “Development of Science and Scientific Capabilities”
- Program ” Strengthening of Capacity Building for the Governance of the National Science, Technology and Innovation System”