The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) defines International Cooperation (IC) as joint action to support a country’s economic and social development through the transfer of technology, knowledge, experience or resources by countries with equal or higher levels of development, multilateral agencies, nongovernmental organizations and civil society. It is also known as development cooperation and is a global concept comprising different aid modalities that flow to relatively less developed countries.
In terms of actors, the international cooperation system is made up of actors of different types and functions, with the coexistence of public and private, generalist and specialized organizations, from the North and the South, and with different forms and strategies of action.
The main objective of the International Cooperation Office, as an advisory body, is to promote, manage and coordinate the internationalization process of SENACYT (as in Spanish), through the establishment of cooperation agreements with universities, organizations, and foreign institutions in the technological, academic, cultural, and scientific fields. These strategic alliances will seek the insertion of national agendas in the international arena, in addition to promoting institutional cooperation.
Specific Objectives
- Direct and coordinate SENACYT’s (as in Spanish) internationalization processes by developing interaction strategies in the national and international environment.
- Promote and coordinate links with counterpart organizations, diplomatic representations, institutions, foundations, and international organizations in order to support the activities of the institution.
- Contribute to exercise institutional representation before national and international institutions, promoting and supporting the management of administrative units (i. e.: R&D, Innovation, Stimulus), aimed at obtaining resources, research opportunities, access to networks and other activities of interest to the academic, cultural, and scientific areas in line with the strategic axes established in the National Plan 2020-2024 (or its modification).
- Coordinate and increase national competitiveness through technical and non-reimbursable financial and technical cooperation that the institution receives from multiple cooperating sources.
- Position Panama as an emerging and competitive economy in the international market based on knowledge and technological development, through cooperation with science and technology institutions in Latin America and the European Union. (Internationalization of Science).
- Offer SENACYT’s (as in Spanish) knowledge, skills, and experience for development assistance and technical cooperation in science, technology, and innovation.
- Collaborate in consolidating Panama’s position in the world with respect to strategic issues such as food security, climate change, health, and responsible management of water resources, among others.
- Consolidate the governance of the Regional Cooperation Agreement for the Promotion of Nuclear Science and Technology in Latin America and the Caribbean (ARCAL as in Spanish).
- Propose, manage, and coordinate, together with the corresponding administrative unit, international agreements with universities, institutions, foundations, and international organizations, in the short, medium, and long term.
- To provide advice on the unification of criteria among the different departments of the Secretariat in the execution of institutional agreements with other public and private, national, and international organizations.
- Contribute to the national and international dissemination of the Secretariat’s programs, projects, initiatives, and other activities in order to promote the internationalization of the institution.
- Advise the Secretariat in the identification and management of opportunities to mobilize resources abroad that benefit and favor the development of the programs implemented by SENACYT (as in Spanish).
- Any other function congruent with the general and specific objectives defined for the Office, as assigned by the National Secretary.
Scholarship opportunities funded by other countries
Beca Kizuna para Magíster en Ingeniería Estructural y Geotécnica
Curso, MASHAV- Israel´s Agencia de Cooperación internacional para el desarrollo.