The Department of Innovation in Science and Technology Learning seeks to lay the foundations for the long-term development of Science and Technology in the country, implementing programs to modernize the learning and popularization of science and technology, promoting children and young people to develop their full potential in these areas:

We Build Mathematics SENACYT’s (as in Spanish) Department of Innovation in Science and Technology Learning develops the We Build Math Project, which trains teachers from the different school regions of Panama through face-to-face seminars, semi-presential seminars and virtual courses. We Build Math focuses on strengthening the knowledge of teachers in the areas of arithmetic, geometry, statistics, measurement systems, logical reasoning, and the use of technological resources in the teaching and learning mathematics. The project currently has the support of 11 facilitators who are in charge of developing the workshops with manipulative materials, relevant content and providing support to the participating teachers via e-mail. By 2020, 8 seminars have been developed with the participation of more than 2,500 elementary and high school teachers nationwide. In August 2020, the first 100% virtual mathematics course for teachers will be launched.
Teacher Professional Development This program aims to contribute to the continuous training of in-service educators, including: teachers, professors, principals, supervisors and other professionals in the educational field in priority educational areas for the country: ► Science ► Mathematics ► Technology ► Directive Management ► Evaluation Opportunities for diploma, postgraduate and master’s degrees can be found on Calls for Grants & Scholarships Section of the SENACYT’s (as in Spanish) website. Short workshops are announced through SENACYT’s (as in Spanish) website and social networks. For more information: aprendizaje@senacyt.gob.pa Science Clubs These are non-formal extracurricular spaces of a voluntary nature, where the educational community has the opportunity to generate ideas, work as a team, have fun, learn and above all enhance their creativity while strengthening scientific skills. Some activities are: ► Chain Reaction ► Safety Box ► Chemistry in the Kitchen ► Rockets ► Chess ► Astronomy For more information: clubesdeciencia@senacyt.gob.pa
Robotics, Programming and Digital Education Technology-based extracurricular learning environments where projects are developed according to the participants’ own interests in areas such as robotics, programming, graphic design, modeling, 3D printing and animation, among others. ► RoboCupJunior Panamá ► La Hora del Código ► Scratch Panamá ► Programando con Bluebot Nuestras Redes Sociales son: Robocop Junior Panamá. ► Twitter: @RoboCupJrPA La Hora del Código ► Facebook: HoraCodigoPTY ► Instagram: @lahoradelcodigopty ► Twitter: @HoraCódigoPTY ROBOCUP JR
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